1. Seherin, nur einmal aufgetaucht. Aber zutreffend wie niemand.
2. Tacuisses, Fachfrau. Nicht unbedingt meine beste freundin. Aber unparteiisch, und die erste die Kontakt mit mir aufgenommen hat.
3. Der Profiler. Professionell, and never out of place.
4. Xmanrique. Psycho, aber niemals ein Urteil ermittelt.
5. Katzenauge. Most sensitive woman, and clever.
My apologises to all those I have not mentioned, and remained down in the „might-have-beens“; special thanks also to Pergamon, Nerea, Kati....and everyone I forget right now, but they know...for their understanding and patience. Also a special mention to Ninja, who has been and is my enemy, for her honesty, of which I have no doubt anymore. Her hatred is sincere, especially that against herself...