Der arme Kerl ist verzweifelt auf der Suche nach einem Mädchen namens Angelika, kennengelernt auf dem Oktoberfest, aber wieder (ungewollt) aus den Augen verloren.
Ich setz mal Originaltext ein (allerdings englisch)....vielleicht kann ja irgendeiner dem Jungen weiterhelfen:
Hi, I don't know if I'm in the right place but I need help to find a girl I met in the Augustiner tent at oktoberfest saturday 30 september in the afternoon...
I know just few things about her...
Her name is Angelica (I don't know as is written, I know just its sound), her hair are dark, she is bavarian, she lives up to 100 km from Munich and she is a student.
She had the typical bavarian dress and she was in the Augustiner tent with a friend near the orchestra, in front of the "boxe 6".
She took a photo with me and my friends and I gave her a key case with that photo printed but a guy asked me something and i lost her...
I asked about her to her friend but he told me "I don't know where is she"
Maybe here someone knows her or can help me to find an other forum where I can post my message like university forum...
Thanks in advance...
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So, nu los..................wer in und um München herum, im Radius von 100km nennt sich Angelika,ist Studentin, hat braune Haare und trieb sich zur "Tatzeit" im "Augustiner-Zelt" Nähe "boxe 6" herum ??
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