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To all those...

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  • To all those...

    ...who might understand (old bernie will surely not)

    Speedway At Nazareth

    ...After two thousand, came two thousand and one
    To be the new champions we were there for to run...
    From springtime in Arizona 'til the fall in Monterey,
    And the raceways were the battlefields, and we fought 'em all the way.

    Was at Phoenix in the morning I had a wake-up call
    She went around without a warning put me in the wall
    I drove Long Beach, California with three cracked vertebrae
    And we went on to Indianapolis, Indiana in May...

    Well the Brickyard's there to crucify anyone who will not learn.
    I climbed a mountain to qualify, I went flat through the turns.
    But I was down in the might-have-beens and an old pal good as died...
    ...And I sat down in Gasoline Alley and I cried...

    Well we were in at the kill again on the Milwaukee Mile.
    And in June up in Michigan we were robbed at Belle Isle...
    ...Then it was on to Portland, Oregon for the G.I. Joe,
    And I'd blown off almost everyone when my motor let go.

    New England, Ontario we died in the dirt.
    Those walls from mid-Ohio to Toronto they hurt...
    ...So we came to Road America where we burned up the lake...
    But at the speedway at Nazareth I made NO mistake

  • Mark Knopfler

    auch bekannt durch "Dire Straits".

    Pero que coño es "Bernie"??


    • RE: Mark Knopfler

      1. Dire Straits ist die Gruppe.
      2. M.K. ist der Guitarrespieler (und Gruppenleiter, aber hier ist er alleine)
      3. Bernie....sag Dir privat....

      Hast Du den Text interpretiert? Sonst kann ich helfen...wird witzig.


      • RE: Mark Knopfler

        Ich werd jetzt nicht mehr viel interpretieren sondern in mein Bettchen gehen.
        Aber Du kannst mir ja mal erzählen welch Hintergedanken da so mitspielten...

        Und ja,ich weiss das der Herr Knopfler auch solo unterwegs ist,gibt ja heute kaum noch einen der das nicht tut...:-))


        • RE: Mark Knopfler

          "?Que cono es Bernie"? es adecuado, aunque tendria que ser "quien". En este caso....


          • RE: Mark Knopfler

            Macht nix.....wat weiss ich wen oder was Du meinst....deswegen halt ich's mal generell...
            Jetzt bin ich wech... :-))

            Das Geschehen schrieb:
            "?Que cono es Bernie"? es adecuado, aunque tendria que ser "quien". En este caso....


            • RE: Mark Knopfler

              jaja, morgen. Nur Ruhe.


              • RE: neuer nick



                • RE: Copyright....

                  ...Holmes & Closeau?

