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@Nerea, alle "Kenner" und...

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  • @Nerea, alle "Kenner" und...

    ...to whom it may concern:

    Hey, Eugene,
    This is Henry McClean
    And I've finished my beautiful flying machine
    And I'm ringing to say
    That I'm leaving and maybe
    You'd like to fly with me
    And hide with me, baby

    Isn't it strange
    How little we change
    Isn't it sad we're insane
    Playing the games that we know and in tears
    The games we've been playing for thousands and thousands and ....

    Pointing to the cosmic glider
    "Pull this plastic glider higher
    Light the fuse and stand right back"
    He cried "This is my last good-bye."

    Point me at the sky and tell it fly
    Point me at the sky and tell it fly
    Point me at the sky and tell it fly

    And if you survive till two thousand and five
    I hope you're exceedingly thin
    For if you are stout you will have to breathe out
    While the people around you breathe in

    People pressing on might say
    It's something that I hate to say
    I'm slipping down to eat the ground
    A little refuge on my brain

    Point me at the sky and tell it fly
    Point me at the sky and tell it fly
    Point me at the sky and tell it fly

    And all we've got to say to you is good-bye
    It's time to go, better run and get your bags, it's good-bye
    Nobody cry, it's good-bye
    Crash, crash, crash, crash, good-bye...

    Von wem ist das? Google nicht erlaubt (vertraue ich Euch einfach)

  • RE: @Nerea, alle "Kenner" und...

    Es ist von "Rosa Floyd"! ;-)


    • RE: First price...

      2 u old fart! (must be an old fart to know this stuff). I wonder uwere quicker than our witch...but she is probably racing for 2.
      Grus Dich! (I'm in a very good mood, and I intended to revive a bit this recently sad becoming place. I'll be gone in a minute anyway...have fun!


      • RE: First price...

        Well! Enjoy this evening! I’m an old Pink Floyd fan as well! It seems to me that it’s one hundred years ago! How did you formulated: "must be an old fart to know this stuff" ;-))


        • RE: First price...

          hmmm, you know that in English "old fart" does not exactly mean "old fan"...but I didn't mean rude, in your case. Fact is, young people have as good as no way to know this song... Our witch is probably googling...(even though she's not the youngest, either) never mind. Might speak 2 u later, now I really gotta go


          • Point me at the sky

            jeje...una verdadera maravilla,a ke si??
            Pero yo...pues mi favorito es "The Wall" o "Dark side of the moon"....:-))


            • RE: First price...

              No ,mi amor la bruja no estaba googlen,estaba ocupada en el foro al lado...:-))


              • RE: Point me at the sky


                ach Leute, könnten wir uns denn wieder auf deutsch als die Sprache der Wahl in diesem Forum einigen?



                • RE: Point me at the sky

                  gute idee von dir


                  • RE: First price...

                    No! The proper meaning of the word "fart" are: "furzen" in German. But don’t worry I didn’t understand it wrong! Wish you a nice evening!

                    I have to leave now!
                    OK! I got visit now! Pray for me Barabbas! Pray for me now! I hope I will survive this night! In god I trust!

                    Farewell everybody!


                    • RE: Point me at the sky

                      Ja,das tun wir.Du hast recht..:-)

                      tolot schrieb:

                      ach Leute, könnten wir uns denn wieder auf deutsch als die Sprache der Wahl in diesem Forum einigen?



                      • RE: First price...

                        Verlass Dich mal lieber nicht auf den alten Herrn in den Wolken...!
                        Und wer den Teufel für sich beten lässt, der muss auch etwas falsch verstanden haben...
                        Nix für ungut!

                        Toi, toi, toi.

                        Und gute N8


                        • RE: First price...

                          ya lo he visto. Heisst Sexforum...wo (fast) alle hier lenden, so bald es nix los hier ist...


                          • RE: First price...

                            for the knowledge: "old fart" heisst "alter Knacker". nix mit Furzen zu tun...


                            • RE: Point me at the sky

                              ...es que tengo un par de anitos mas...y ademas comprendo lo que significan los texos...


                              • RE: Point me at the sky

                                kein Problem. Darf ich fragen, was Dein Eindruck am 21.04 war?


                                • RE: y una mierda...

                                  ...el que no comprende, que se joda. Como yo, a menudo.


                                  • RE: First price...

                                    ODER DU WIRST ZWANGSGESPREITZT, MAUS.


                                    • RE: First price...

                                      Mach ich nicht immer, aber: wenn schon deutsch dann richtig deutsch SPRICH
                                      oder "SRECH DEUTSCH" hau ab


                                      • RE: Point me at the sky

                                        Lo que quiere decir..todos los demas no tienen ni idea,a ke si??
                                        Menos tu...


                                        • RE: First price...

                                          oder "SRECH DEUTSCH" hau ab !!!!!!


                                          • RE: Point me at the sky

                                            Hilf mir mal auf die Sprünge. Was meinst du?


                                            • RE: Point me at the sky

                                              Das lohnt sich nicht, tolot. :-)))




                                              • RE: Point me at the sky


                                                das befürchte ich zwar auch aber ich dachte frag mal nach.

                                                Ja Kaffee nehme ich gern.



                                                • RE: First price...

                                                  Warum schreist Du ???

