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road o nowhere

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  • road o nowhere


    Well we know where we’re goin’
    But we don’t know where we’ve been
    And we know what we’re knowin’
    But we can’t say what we’ve seen
    And we’re not little children
    And we know what we want
    And the future is certain
    Give us time to work it out

    We’re on a road to nowhere
    Come on inside
    Takin’ that ride to nowhere
    We’ll take that ride

    I’m feelin’ okay this mornin’
    And you know,
    We’re on the road to paradise
    Here we go, here we go


    Maybe you wonder where you are
    I don’t care
    Here is where time is on our side
    Take you there...take you there

    We’re on a road to nowhere
    We’re on a road to nowhere
    We’re on a road to nowhere

    There’s a city in my mind
    Come along and take that ride
    And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right

    And it’s very far away
    But it’s growing day by day
    And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right

    They can tell you what to do
    But they’ll make a fool of you
    And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right

    We’re on a road to nowhere

  • RE: road o nowhere

    LP little creatures. habe ich.


    • Desolation row

      They're selling postcards of the hanging
      They're painting the passports brown
      The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
      The circus is in town
      Here comes the blind commissioner
      They've got him in a trance
      One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
      The other is in his pants
      And the riot squad they're restless
      They need somewhere to go
      As Lady and I look out tonight
      From Desolation Row

      Cinderella, she seems so easy
      "It takes one to know one," she smiles
      And puts her hands in her back pockets
      Bette Davis style
      And in comes Romeo, he's moaning
      "You Belong to Me I Believe"
      And someone says," You're in the wrong place, my friend
      You better leave"
      And the only sound that's left
      After the ambulances go
      Is Cinderella sweeping up
      On Desolation Row

      Now the moon is almost hidden
      The stars are beginning to hide
      The fortunetelling lady
      Has even taken all her things inside
      All except for Cain and Abel
      And the hunchback of Notre Dame
      Everybody is making love
      Or else expecting rain
      And the Good Samaritan, he's dressing
      He's getting ready for the show
      He's going to the carnival tonight
      On Desolation Row

      Now Ophelia, she's 'neath the window
      For her I feel so afraid
      On her twenty-second birthday
      She already is an old maid

      To her, death is quite romantic
      She wears an iron vest
      Her profession's her religion
      Her sin is her lifelessness
      And though her eyes are fixed upon
      Noah's great rainbow
      She spends her time peeking
      Into Desolation Row

      Einstein, disguised as Robin Hood
      With his memories in a trunk
      Passed this way an hour ago
      With his friend, a jealous monk
      He looked so immaculately frightful
      As he bummed a cigarette
      Then he went off sniffing drainpipes
      And reciting the alphabet
      Now you would not think to look at him
      But he was famous long ago
      For playing the electric violin
      On Desolation Row

      Dr. Filth, he keeps his world
      Inside of a leather cup
      But all his sexless patients
      They're trying to blow it up
      Now his nurse, some local loser
      She's in charge of the cyanide hole
      And she also keeps the cards that read
      "Have Mercy on His Soul"
      They all play on penny whistles
      You can hear them blow
      If you lean your head out far enough
      From Desolation Row

      Across the street they've nailed the curtains
      They're getting ready for the feast
      The Phantom of the Opera
      A perfect image of a priest
      They're spoonfeeding Casanova
      To get him to feel more assured
      Then they'll kill him with self-confidence
      After poisoning him with words

      And the Phantom's shouting to skinny girls
      "Get Outa Here If You Don't Know
      Casanova is just being punished for going
      To Desolation Row"

      Now at midnight all the agents
      And the superhuman crew
      Come out and round up everyone
      That knows more than they do
      Then they bring them to the factory
      Where the heart-attack machine
      Is strapped across their shoulders
      And then the kerosene
      Is brought down from the castles
      By insurance men who go
      Check to see that nobody is escaping
      To Desolation Row

      Praise be to Nero's Neptune
      The Titanic sails at dawn
      And everybody's shouting
      "Which Side Are You On?"
      And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot
      Fighting in the captain's tower
      While calypso singers laugh at them
      And fishermen hold flowers
      Between the windows of the sea
      Where lovely mermaids flow
      And nobody has to think too much
      About Desolation Row

      Yes, I received your letter yesterday
      (About the time the door knob broke)
      When you asked how I was doing
      Was that some kind of joke?
      All these people that you mention
      Yes, I know them, they're quite lame
      I had to rearrange their faces
      And give them all another name
      Right now I can't read too good
      Don't send me no more letters no
      Not unless you mail them
      From Desolation Row

      Copyright © 1965,Bob Dylan


      • RE: road o nowhere

        Hallo Shanti

        Vielen Dank für den Hinweis! Habe mir soeben von Talking Heads: Little Creatures + Psycho Killer als CD bestellt. Ich habe sie nur als Schallplatte.

        Schönen Abend noch!


        • RE: road o nowhere

          ja ich habe eigentlich auch nur die LP von damals. Aber habe das Lied heute wieder mal nach langem im Radio gehört.

          Wünsche ebenfalls einen schönen Abend. :-)


          • RE: Desolation row

            kenne ich nicht. Ist es gut???


            • RE: road o nowhere

              da sind wir aber alle froh, dass du die auch hast. ist das alles, was du dazu zu sagen hast?


              • RE: road o nowhere

                Und warum schreibst du uns dieses Lied hier rein???


                • RE: road o nowhere

                  weil mir der Sinn danach stand :-))


                  • RE: road o nowhere

                    du, ich hab da einen vorschlag: hier gibts einen, der das forum auch ganz schlimm findet, weil es ja eigentlich ein chat ist. wenn ich das richtig peile, seid ihr da genau derselben meinung. und er fühlt sich auch sehr unwohl hier, was ihn aber nicht davon abhält, ständig hier zu sein. er meldet sich sicher noch bei dir und bietet dir seine mailadresse an, damit ihr privat mailen könnt. BITTE: nimm die adresse und tausch dich mit ihm aus, ja?
                    hier ist ja sowieso nichts interessantes zu lesen.


                    • An Shanti

                      Shanti hör nicht auf diesen Troll, sing llieber weiter grins


                      • RE: Desolation row

                        Der alte Robert Zimmermann....strikes again


                        • RE: An Shanti

                          hmmm, also ich weiß nicht. Aber vielleicht hast du Recht. Nur "singen" werde ich besser nicht, sondern mir lieber das Lied anhören. ;-)


                          • RE: Desolation row

                            ui, du kennst dich so richtig gut aus, was?


                            • RE: An Shanti

                              Ja lass das mal mit dem singen, sonst sing ich zurück und dann ist das Forum leer.


                              • RE: An Shanti

                                ja mach das
                                Viel Spaß dabei
                                Gruß Poison27w


                                • RE: An Shanti

                                  und das wollen/sollen wir doch auf jeden Fall vermeiden. Aber hin und wieder Songtexte zu posten, lasse ich mir nicht nehmen. Soweit reicht meine Kooperationsbereitschaft nun doch nicht :-)))


                                  • RE: An Shanti

                                    Das ist schon ok. Solange es nicht um Karl Moik und seine Heimatblödelöbarden sind...


                                    • RE: road o nowhere

                                      ...von dir auf jedem fall nicht


                                      • RE: road o nowhere

                                        oh, ich bin ja so schizophren...


                                        • RE: An Shanti

                                          schade und gerade von dem wollte ich jetzt was posten ;-))


                                          • RE: road o nowhere

                                            Immer gewesen. Weist sich jetzt nur auf


                                            • RE: An Shanti

                                              Puh! Glück gehabt!


                                              • RE: An Shanti

                                                Tu es. Es ist das einzige, dass noch um die letzte untere Stufe zu erreichen fehlt...


                                                • RE: ja - o.w.t. ;-))


