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****in' SysTeM

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  • ****in' SysTeM

    Look me in the eye and tell me I am save.
    I hate this ****in' world because of the snobbish wankers, who make me sick and tired.
    It'll never be that I belive that my live is tried because I always look on the dark side of life. It's dark like a stormy night after a cold day. Cold - so cold. And far - so far away.
    I am a victim of this ****in' system.
    I see the world how she REAL is. Most people live in a dreamworld - in a world where are just friendly smiling people and fun and partys, party, partys...But if you're open your eyes, I hope so, then you'll see how terrible life is...
    When I am death my life will be much better. That's why I wanna die!!

    Do you like Shakespeare?
