Allgemeinfrage Darmkrebs-OP und auch andere Darm-OP werden ja seit längerer Zeit auch im minimalinvasiven Verfahren durchgeführt.
Aber ist das auch zu empfehlen, ist das Risiko dass es dabei zu Komplikationen kommt nicht doch gegenüber der offenen OP erhöht?
Gibt es vergleichende Statistiken?
Gerade die minimal-invasiven Tumoroperationen werden von den chirurgischen Onkologen kritisch gesehen. Sie meinen, dass die Radikalität leiden könnte. Allerdings argumentieren Chirurgen, die minimal-invasiv operieren, dagegen, weil sie vergleichbare Radikalität erreichen wollen. Vergleichende Studien zeigen vergleichbare Ergebnisse (s.u.). Es ist weiterhin in der Diskussion wie der aktuelle Beitrag zeigt:
Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 2006 Apr 26;95(17):663-9 Progress of the laparoscopic colorectal surgery with special consideration regarding cancer treatment] .
Buchmann, Dincler, Stadtspital Waid, Zurich.
The development of laparoscopic surgery began with the diagnostic coelioscopy in 1901 and the first appendectomy in 1983. Its worldwide spread started in 1987 with the cholecystectomy. Four years later the right hemicolectomy and sigmoid resection were also described. The initial euphoria however evaporated when the first reports of port-site-metastasis appeared. The controversy whether one should be allowed or not to operate carcinomas laparoscopi-cally, provoked a boom in research with as result that in 2000 it had been confirmed that the incidence of port-site-metastasis was about the same as drain-site-metastasis after open procedures (0.9%). Randomized studies comparing laparoscopic interventions and open surgery showed no difference in the long-term results of colon-carcinoma. For experienced surgeons this is also the case for rectum-carcinoma. Hereby the learning curve is of great importance and has been put at 30 to 70 procedures, taken into account the duration of the operation or other criteria such as conversion to open surgery and complications. With gro-wing experience the amount of material used during an operation goes down, which results in a lower overall cost of the minimal-invasive technique compared with open surgery. In cost calculations one should also take into account the fact that the recovery time and the return to every-day life is generally quicker for patients after laparoscopic surgery while overall they also have a significant better quality of life score (SF-36) in the longer term. Currently, i.e. in 2006 the laparoscopic colorectal surgery has become an established procedure. It is thought that laparoscopic interventions give additional advantages because the immune system is less affected but this must still be confirmed through research.