Gern wuerde ich ihre Meinung hoeren, ob ich tatsaechlich keine weitere Behandlung noetig habe.Bin doch verunsichgert, da man vor der Operation mit Bestrahlungen oder Medikamenten-Einnahme gesprochen hat.
Section from the hysterectomy shows chronic nonspecific cervititis with nabothioan cyst.The endometrium shows features of well differentiated adenocarcinoma,wich is senn to infiltrate the inner 1/3rd of the myometrium.In addition the myometriumalso shows adenomyosis.Both the ovaries are unremarkable.Rigth tube shows fimbrial cyst.Sectiion from the biopsy a obtained from the rigth common iliac fossa shows 3 lymphnodes showing reactive hyperplasma.Section from the biopsy obtained from the left external iliac fossa reveal 5 lymphnodes with reactive hyperplasma.Section from the biopsy labelled as rigth internal iliac foassa reveals 3 lymphnodes with reactive hyperplasia.Section from the biopsy labeeled as rigth external iliac fossa shows 6 lymphnodes with reactive hyperplasia.Section from the biopsy labellede as obturator node reveal only fatty tissue.No lymphnodes seen
Well differntiated adenocarcinoma of the endometrium.A;; the lymphnodes isolated shows reactive hyperplasia,No evidence of metastasis
Radical hysterectomie
Report vom chefpathologen des Kidways-Institut Bangalore,International anerkannt
Nachuntersuchung:1/2 jaehrlichen Papsmear,Why!
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