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Oligodendrogliom WHO III

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  • Oligodendrogliom WHO III

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    ich bin im Juni 02 an einem Oligodendrogliom III operiert worden (Rezidiv eines Astrozytoms II aus 87) und bin derzeit am Ende der 2. Phase der Chemo nach dem PCV-Schema. Nun erfahre ich vor wenigen Tagen, dass an der Uniklinik Freiburg eine Studie abgeschlossen worden sei (nicht die NOA-4) wonach das "V" völlig überflüssig sei, da es ohnehin nicht in der Lage sei, die Blut-Hirn-Schranke zu überwinden. Richtig? Ich muss ja nicht ggf. die mir verbleibende Zeit damit verbringen, meinen Körper mehr als notwendig zu belasten.

    Herzlichen Dank vorab!

  • RE: Oligodendrogliom WHO III

    Die Studie aus Freiburg kenne ich jetzt direkt nicht. Aber es gibt durchaus Überlegungen, dass PC genau so gut wie PCV ist. Auch CCNU (=C) oder ACNU allein ist schon wirksam. Die unten angehängte Zusammenfassung zeigt ein Beispiel aus der Literatur, was Ihre Auffassung bestätigt.

    Adults with newly diagnosed high-grade gliomas.
    AU: Croteau,-D; Mikkelsen,-T
    AD: Hermelin Brain Tumor Center, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202, USA. [email protected]
    SO: Curr-Treat-Options-Oncol. 2001 Dec; 2(6): 507-15
    IS: 1527-2729
    AB: Despite tremendous advances in brain tumor molecular biology and several emerging novel therapies, multimodality therapy that includes surgery, radiation therapy (RT), and chemotherapy is still the cornerstone of high-grade glioma treatment. The first step in high-grade glioma therapy is surgery and a maximal resection should be attempted to reduce the tumor burden before initiation of other adjuvant therapies. External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) generally follows surgery, using conventional dosage, and fractionation, and ideally a three-dimensional conformal technique. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) to maximize cytoreduction may be used in selected cases. Because no curative chemotherapy exists for high-grade glioma, we always consider an investigational agent either before or concurrently with RT. However, the use of a standard cytotoxic agent, such as temozolomide alone or combined with 13-cis-retinoic acid also is a rational choice particularly for patients with relatively good prognostic factors for whom an investigational agent would not be available. The management of anaplastic oligodendroglioma does not differ significantly from other high-grade gliomas in terms of surgery, RT, or investigational or protocol agent; however, these tumors appear to respond to chemotherapy that includes a combination of procarbazine, CCNU, and vincristine (PCV) [1**]. The vincristine provides more toxicity than benefit and it is our practice to only use a combination of procarbazine and CCNU (PC).!!
    A single agent, such as temozolomide is an increasingly used and rational choice for anaplastic oligodendroglioma. It is our belief that early, aggressive multimodality treatment still provides the best chance for long-term control of high-grade gliomas, particularly in patients with good prognostic factors. However, despite best therapy and state-of-the-art technology, most patients with high-grade glioma will experience progression or recurrence and will require either a change in the ongoing therapeutic strategy or additional treatment. Better therapies are necessary and progress will only be made through investigation of promising agents in well-designed clinical trials.

