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Signetring Adenocarcinoma Stage IV

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  • Signetring Adenocarcinoma Stage IV

    Dear Professor Wust,
    My daughter (42 y) had a total gastrectomy July 26, 2001. Pathology showed that nine lymphnodes and her ovaries were affected. (Krukenberg tumor) Nine months later her CAT scan showed peritoneal metastases and she could no longer eat normal portions due to a blockage. She started Chemo the end of May and after about 6 weeks of Chemo she was able to eat normal again. She is on continous infusions of 5FU for 6 months and receives Epirubicin and Cisplatin every four weeks. Since the beginning of her Chemo the cancer has been stable.
    What can we expect once the Chemo stops? From everything I have read in this Forum it seems that there is not much hope once the cancer is in her Peritoneum. What is the reason for that? We thought as long as the cancer is not in her vital organs (Liver, Lungs, Bones) that she was doing good. By the way, she did not ask her oncologist how much time she has left because she believes that she can make it past 5 years .

  • RE: Signetring Adenocarcinoma Stage IV

    Man sollte die Chemotherapie so lange wie möglich im Sinne einer Erhaltungstherpie weiterführen. Wenn die Chemotherapie beendet wird, muß mit erneutem Tumorwachstum gerechnet werden. Dann breitet sich der Tumor vermutlich über den Bauchraum aus. Für das metastasierende Magenkarzinom beträgt die mittlere Überlebenszeit vielleicht 12 Monate. Das ist ein Mittelwert und kann im Einzelfall abweichen (aber 5 Jahre ist wohl etwas hoch gegriffen). Aber lassen Sie Ihre Tochter ruhig in dem Glauben.

