mein Vater wurde operiert, die Niere ist raus und untersucht worden.
Hier ist die Ergebnis:
Gross: Received fixed specimen of is one piece of tissue, it has been identified as kidney with adrenal gland. Kidney measures 10x7x6 cm with proximal portion of ureter which measures 3 cm long. On the external surface of kidney per renal fatty tissue attached Upper pole of kidney has been building out. Cortex of is smooth red and grossly looks to be normal. Cut section shows a round nass neasyrubg 5,5x5 cm reokaced upper pole and middle part, well capsulated and has variegated surface with extensive areas of necrosis andmucoid change the tumor has not invade renal capsule and grossly seems renal vein and renal hilum are unremarkable. Non tumor kidney tissue is grossly is normal with well demarcated cortex and medulla Adrenal gland seems grossly unremarkable. Multiple representative sections were submitted, S.O.S. M/7, E=2%
Microscopic Description & Diagnosis:
Diagnosis: kidney, Rt. Radical nephrecromy -
-Renal cell carcinoma papillary type with low nuclear grade
-Renal vein free from tumor
-NSPC adrenal gland
Summary not Type of malignancy
-Renal cell carcinoma papillary type with low nuclear grade (grade I)
Size a location of malignancy
-5,5x5 cm
-Upper and middle parts
Extent of malignancy
-No capsular
-Renal vein free
-Adrenal free
Hab ich richtig verstanden, dass der Toumor nicht bösartig ist?!