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  • Bauchspeicheldruesenkrebs

    Ich bin auf der Suche nach Informationen (Artikel , Studien ) zu dem Medikament Erbitux (IMC-C225) . Das Medikament ist noch in der Erprobung. Ich suche nach Informationen ueber Wirkung und Nebenwirkungen und offenen Studien. Kann mir da jemand weiter helfen ?

  • RE: Bauchspeicheldruesenkrebs

    Es handelt sich um einen monoklonalen Antikörper gegen spezielle Wachstumsrezeptoren. Einige Informationen aus Medline habe ich angehängt. Stellenwert in der praktischen Behandlung ist völlig offen. Rufen Sie ev auf: www.controlled-trials.com oder www.studien.de

    Growth factors and their receptors: new targets for prostate cancer therapy.
    AU: Barton,-J; Blackledge,-G; Wakeling,-A
    AD: AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, United Kingdom.
    SO: Urology. 2001 Aug; 58(2 Suppl 1): 114-22
    IS: 1527-9995
    PY: 2001
    LA: English
    CP: United-States
    AB: Stimulation of the signal transduction pathway of the epidermal growth-factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase family of receptors in tumor cells enhances cellular proliferation, prevents apoptosis, and promotes tumor-cell mobility, adhesion, and invasion. Therapeutic approaches used to target the EGFR and its signal transduction cascade include (1) monoclonal antibodies (eg, cetuximab [IMC-C225]) directed against the extracellular binding domain of the receptor; and (2) trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody binding to the HER2 receptor; immunotoxin conjugates use an antibody directed against EGFR joined to a cell toxin. All are in clinical trials for a number of cancers, including prostate cancer. Antisense strategies are in preclinical development. Low-molecular-weight inhibitors of the EGFR tyrosine kinase also in clinical development include OSI-774, PD182905, PKI-166, CI-1033, and ZD1839. ZD1839 has shown encouraging results in patients with prostate cancer in phase 1 trials. mn
    MESH: *Antibodies,-Monoclonal-therapeutic-use; *Antineoplastic-Agents-therapeutic-use; *Prostatic-Neoplasms-drug-therapy; *Receptor,-Epidermal-Growth-Factor-drug-effects
    MESH: Antibodies,-Bispecific-therapeutic-use; Antibodies,-Monoclonal-pharmacology; Antineo-plastic-Agents-pharmacology; Neoplasms,-Hormone-Dependent-drug-therapy; Oligonucleotides,-Antisense-therapeutic-use; Protein-Tyrosine-Kinase-antagonists-and-inhibitors; Quinazolines-therapeutic-use; Receptor,-Epidermal-Growth-Factor-physiology; Signal-Transduction-drug-effects; Signal-Transduction-physiology

    The EGF receptor family as targets for cancer therapy.
    AU: Mendelsohn,-J; Baselga,-J
    AD: Department of Medicine, The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 77030-4009, USA.
    SO: Oncogene. 2000 Dec 27; 19(56): 6550-65
    AB: Human carcinomas frequently express high levels of receptors in the EGF receptor family, and overexpression of at least two of these receptors, the EGF receptor (EGFr) and closely re-lated ErbB2, has been associated with a more aggressive clinical behavior. Further, transfection or activation of high levels of these two receptors in nonmalignant cell lines can lead to a trans-formed phenotype. For these reasons therapies directed at preventing the function of these re-ceptors have the potential to be useful anti-cancer treatments. In the last two decades monoclo-nal antibodies (MAbs) which block activation of the EGFr and ErbB2 have been developed. These MAbs have shown promising preclinical activity and 'chimeric' and 'humanized' MAbs have been produced in order to obviate the problem of host immune reactions. Clinical activity with these antibodies has been documented: trastuzumab, a humanized anti-ErbB2 MAb, is active and was recently approved in combination with paclitaxel for the therapy of patients with metastatic ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancer; IMC-C225, a chimeric anti-EGFr MAb, has shown impressive activity when combined with radiation therapy and reverses resistance to chemothe-rapy. In addition to antibodies, compounds that directly inhibit receptor tyrosine kinases have shown preclinical activity and early clinical activity has been reported. A series of phase III stu-dies with these antibodies and direct tyrosine kinase inhibitors are ongoing or planned, and will further address the role of these active anti-receptor agents in the treatment of patients with cancer.
    MESH: *Antineoplastic-Agents-therapeutic-use; *Enzyme-Inhibitors-therapeutic-use; *Neoplasms-therapy; *Receptor,-Epidermal-Growth-Factor-antagonists-and-inhibitors
    MESH: Antibodies,-Monoclonal-pharmacology; Antibodies,-Monoclonal-therapeutic-use; Clinical-Trials; Drug-Delivery-Systems; Drug-Evaluation,-Preclinical; Mice-; Neoplasms-drug-therapy; Protein-Tyrosine-Kinase-antagonists-and-inhibitors; Quinazolines-pharmacology; Quinazolines-therapeutic-use; Receptor,-Epidermal-Growth-Factor-immunology; Receptor,-erbB-2-antagonists-and-inhibitors

    Epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors as anticancer agents.
    AU: Ciardiello,-F
    AD: Cattedra di Oncologia Medica, Dipartimento di Endocrinologia e Oncologia Molecolare e Clinica, Universita degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy. [email protected]
    SO: Drugs. 2000; 60 Suppl 125-32; discussion 41-2
    AB: The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-driven autocrine growth pathway has been implicated in the development and progression of the majority of the most common human epit-helial cancers, making the blockade of this growth pathway a promising anticancer therapeutic strategy. Different approaches have been developed to block EGFR activation and/or function in cancer cells. In the past 15 years, various anti-EGFR blocking monoclonal antibodies (MAb), recombinant proteins containing transforming growth factor-alpha (TGFalpha) or EGF fused to toxins, and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have been generated and their biological and poten-tially therapeutic properties characterised. One of these agents, MAb IMC-C225, a chimeric hu-man-mouse IgG1 MAb, is the first anti-EGFR agent to enter phase II to III clinical trials in patients with cancer. Several small compounds that block the ligand-induced activation of the EGFR tyrosine kinase have been developed. Among these EGFR-TKIs, various quinazoline-derived agents have been synthesised and have shown promising activity as anticancer agents in pre-clinical models. ZD1839 ('Iressa'), an anilinoquinazoline, is an orally active, selective EGFR-TKI which is currently under clinical evaluation in phase II to III clinical trials in patients with cancer. Preclinical data for ZD1839 strongly support the possibility of potentiating the antitumour activity of conventional chemotherapy with agents that selectively block the EGFR.

